Products & Technology


Unique features:

   Innovated in-line , multi-layer chambers, vacuum-in-vacuum systems with same floor space of OAK-U-5 but double the throughput

   Plasma stabilized within 0.1 seconds with either 13.56 or 40.68 MHz

   Entire CVD System is either under vacuum or cleaning environment, no contamination

   From cassette-to-cassette, fully automated wafer transferring without using belt

  Integrated chambers and carriers in-line cleaning, maximize productivity

   Process Chambers equipped with RF self-clean de-contamination apparatus, no need to open chamber clean and maximize production time

   Small chambers (~1/8 of traditional ones), reduce reactive/cleaning gases usage


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Copyright © 2020 Ideal Energy (Shanghai) Sunflower Thin Film Equipment Ltd. | Shanghai ICP No.19045897

Address: 8F,Building A1,Lane 2555,Xiupu Road,Pudong,Shanghai
Shanghai Phone: 021-20791515